Would You Like To Save 10% on Your Purchase?

It’s so funny, I started writing this post and the next day I was in Target. All I was buying was a pack of pens, and the cashier (I’m not knocking her – she was just doing her job) asked me if I’d like to save 10% on my purchase. I politely said, “No, Thank You”. But I was thinking to myself, first of all, why do I need for you to run my credit in order to save 59 cents on some pens? (the pack of pens was only $5.99).  Secondly, the minute I get really busy and pay the bill a day late (don’t act like you haven’t done it), I get slapped with a $25 late fee. So much for saving money! Let’s take it a step further, though, and pretend the bill was $100. Then I would save $10, right?  It’s still not worth it, because the interest rates on store credit cards can be up to 28% – that’s almost $28 – and again, don’t mess around and have even one late pay… Continue reading “Would You Like To Save 10% on Your Purchase?”